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The Track Tag Family

Our Story

Generational Cattle Ranchers since the early 1900s

You could possibly be wondering how a group of animal loving ranchers ventured into a tech start-up like this.

Well, that's exactly it! We are livestock operators who understand a long hard days labor and the work required to track livestock down over a vast expanse of land and distance.

We definitely understand the time and money spent on tracking down wayward cattle or sheep, trying to figure out where they are and where they have been. Therefore, we decided to create a solution to not only help other ranchers, but also those protecting and tracking wildlife.

So that's where the story of Track Tag begins...


Next we reached out and worked with manufacturers to create a durable product. Something which could withstand various weather conditions, such as being dunked in a river or water trough and smacked against a tree or post. We knew we wanted it to be solar powered, so you wouldn't have to toil with changing batteries, heavy counter-weights or cumbersome neck collars. 

Additionally it needed to be trackable via GPS satellites; as sometimes those animals can get into places where antennas and other solutions just won't work. Of course, it also needed to have the latest smart-tech in order to be the most efficient and effective.  

So that is exactly what we did. Combining rugged hardware created for the everyday rancher and innovative simplified technology, we created a product we are proud of; the Track Tag King

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